Saalaa...yeh har time kaa natak hai iskaa!
Haven't we all faced the gruesome experience (and many a times, one punctuated with words that would be objectionable to most of the people) when we are running late and the vehicle just won't start. We then resort to our a root cause analysis of who suggested to buy this vehicle and the 'ill intentions' behind such suggestions. Anyways!
This has nothing to do with me starting to write this blog, just that this time I wanted to start I didn't have to swear at anyone or anything. So, I feel something is out of place. Maybe I need to throw away or sell-off (too a uninitiated soul who does not know of this starting issue) my bike which is inducing such habits.
Haven't we all faced the gruesome experience (and many a times, one punctuated with words that would be objectionable to most of the people) when we are running late and the vehicle just won't start. We then resort to our a root cause analysis of who suggested to buy this vehicle and the 'ill intentions' behind such suggestions. Anyways!
This has nothing to do with me starting to write this blog, just that this time I wanted to start I didn't have to swear at anyone or anything. So, I feel something is out of place. Maybe I need to throw away or sell-off (too a uninitiated soul who does not know of this starting issue) my bike which is inducing such habits.
I'll be in a retrospect mode initially as I try to track back for some months when I have been collecting (a friend refered to it as scavenging) and writing material to put up here.
I will be hoping to keep this spot updated as much a possbile. So do come back to see what I have been upto! Your comments are welcome and will be appreciated (This is a relative terms though).